The Principles of Legality to Recognize Adatrechtsgemeenschap under Indigenous Peoples’ Bill

Febrian Indar Surya Kusuma


Indonesia has thousands of indigenous communities. Unfortunately, legal issues regarding indigenous peoples' recognition as legitimate citizens are still ongoing. This problem arises due to the deficiency of definite indicators in the constitution that can be used to describe the definition of indigenous peoples clearly. This article aims to see the suitable mechanism to recognize the Indigenous peoples' rights under the Indigenous Peoples' Draft Bill according to the principles of legality. The research was conducted using doctrinal research methods. Conceptual and statutory approaches are used to construct an ideal legal form to guarantee the rights of indigenous peoples. The eight principles of legality are the foundation for building legal arguments in ensuring that the Indigenous Peoples Bill is drafted following the principles of suitable legal formulation. The results show that there are still areas for improvement in the procedures for recognizing indigenous communities that have the potential to harm these communities. From these findings, it can be concluded that the government needs to review the indicators and procedures used to obtain constitutive recognition for indigenous peoples. This research will have a significant impact on the fulfillment of constitutional rights and improving indigenous peoples' living standards in Indonesia.



Human Rights; Indigenous People; Public Policy

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