Climate Concern in the Rise of Electric Vehicles: Exploring the Human Rights & Environmental Implications

Anang Setiyawan, Umi Khaerah Pati


The utilization of fossil fuels in global human economic activities has fostered and triggered climate change. One of the initiatives undertaken to reduce carbon emissions and address the consequences of climate change is converting conventional vehicles into electric vehicles which more ecologically sustainable. The issue is the fact that despite the absence of carbon emissions during electric vehicle operations, their production and manufacturing processes generate carbon emissions that exert an environmental and human impact. This research examines the environmental and human consequences of mining activities in various countries. The results of studies in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, China, Australia, Congo, Zambia, and Caledonia indicate that market demand for the primary raw material used in electric vehicles has led to mining expansion.  This expansion has significant impacts on environmental damage, economic and social inequality, bad mining practices, conflicts between the government, companies, and indigenous communities, as well as displacement of local communities which often disregard human rights. Hence, it is imperative to adopt a holistic strategy that integrates environmental sustainability, ethical sourcing, and human rights protection during the shift towards electric transportation.




Climate Changes; Electric Vehicles; Environment; Human Rights; Impact.

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